February 26, 2007

X-Madness! Semi-Formal

Grab you favorite stillettos, college t-shirt, tournament brackets, and face paint!
We're kicking off March Madness at Champp's on the Streets of Southpoint in Durham Friday, March 16th!

We are going to start arriving at 5:30pm for dinner.

* Suits with your favorite t-shirt underneath.
* Wear a t-shirt & Jeans with a tie around your neck.
* We love face paint!
* Make your own shirt.
* Take your favorite dress and accessorize with college gear.
* Be as tacky or classy as you are comfortable with!

Bring your college rivalries! Don't be afraid to go all out! The more creative the better.
You didn't go to a NCAA school?
Who cares! Come out dressed as a Meredith Angel or support you William & Mary Tribe Pride.

Don't like basketball?
Look at it as a fabulous chance to wear that dress or a way to get to know some new people.
Who knows, the crazy, heart stopping passion of Tobacco Road just might rub off on you in the process.

February 16, 2007

X-Seminar! Relationships: Friday, Feb. 23rd 7:30pm

We had an 86 people turn out for the first relationship seminar last weekend and a lot of requests that we make it a series.

Come to Part 2 next Friday, Feb. 23rd in the Fellowship Hall at King's Park.


Get the Seminar Notes

CDs are on sale in the Exchange Bookstore at KPIC.

Once you've heard the CD, if you have a topic to cover or a question you'd really like us to answer at the follow up seminar, please email me your request to merr_cho@yahoo.com.

February 11, 2007

This Friday, Feb. 16th. GAME NIGHT

We're bringing tons of games out to give you another fun way to get to know your neighbors.

Spades, Apples to Apples, Scene It!, Pictionary, Outburst, Taboo, Risk, Trainwreck, Cranium, Monopoly, Balderdash, Candy Land, Operation, Scattergories, and more!

If you aren't a game person, come join us for ice cream shakes, floats, and sundaes!

The fellowship hall is located by the church playground. As you are coming in the parking lot, head to the right side of the building. Look for all the cars!

Call Kim at 919.949.9789 if you have any questions.

February 02, 2007

X-Service! African Children's Choir House Work Day this Saturday! 10am -4pm

We'll spend the day out at the Mirembe House, getting things ready for the children's arrival. They've asked us to help with the following things: Assemble Bunk BedsPaint interior of house, clean interior of house, and arrange furniture.

Please bring some items with you to help get the job done.
Hammer, Screw Driver (both kinds), Drill, Allen wrenches, Rachet set, Broom, Mop, Paper towels, Garbage Bags, Glass cleaner, All-purpose cleaner.

Also bring $10 CASH for Lunch (any left over $ from lunch will be donated to ACC) or bring your own Picnic Lunch. Wear clothes you can paint in, sweat in and get dirty!

Bring some CD's so we can boogie while we work and a football, frisbee or other game/toy (if you have one) for break time!Bring friends, neighbors and co-workers. The more the merrier!

10 Am: Meet at KPIC to carpool to the house

11 Am: Arrive at the house. If you need to meet us there, see the direction below.

3:30 pm: Return to the church

4:00pm: Wave Goodbye

Directions from KPIC to 4045 Pea ridge Rd. New Hill, NC 27562:

I-40 WestExit 274 (hwy751/Jordan lake). Turn left at top of the ramp toward Jordan lake. (Go for about 12 miles.) Right turn onto HWY 64 West. Left turn onto Beaver Creek Rd. Right turn onto Pea Ridge Rd. House is on the right. See you there!